A documentação para este módulo pode ser criada em Módulo:Medbar/doc
Erro de script: Erro em Lua: Não é possível criar o processo: proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted
require('Módulo:No globals') local conf = require( "Módulo:Medbar/conf" ) local function isNilOrEmpty( thing ) if thing == nil or thing == '' then return true end return nil end local function splitLccn( id ) if id:match( '^%l%l?%l?%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d?%d?$' ) then id = id:gsub( '^(%l+)(%d+)(%d%d%d%d%d%d)$', '%1/%2/%3' ) end if id:match( '^%l%l?%l?/%d%d%d?%d?/%d+$' ) then return mw.text.split( id, '/' ) end return false end local function getIdFromWikidata( item, property ) local id = nil if item.claims[property] == nil then return id end for _, statement in pairs( item.claims[property] ) do if statement.mainsnak.datavalue then id = statement.mainsnak.datavalue.value break end end return id end local function getLink( property, val, mask ) local link, returnVal = '', {} returnVal.isError = false if mw.ustring.find( val, '//' ) then link = val else if type(property) == 'number' and property > 0 then local entityObject = mw.wikibase.getEntity('P'..property) local dataType if entityObject then dataType = entityObject.datatype else returnVal.isError = true end if dataType == 'external-id' then local formatterURL = nil if property == 3746 then --Wildflowers of Israel ID's 2nd formatterURL is in English formatterURL = entityObject:getBestStatements('P1630')[2] end if formatterURL == nil then formatterURL = entityObject:getBestStatements('P1630')[1] end if formatterURL then if formatterURL.mainsnak.datavalue and formatterURL.mainsnak.datavalue.value then --nil check for ABA link = formatterURL.mainsnak.datavalue.value end end elseif dataType == 'url' then local subjectItem = entityObject:getBestStatements('P1629')[1] if subjectItem then local officialWebsite = mw.wikibase.getEntity(subjectItem.mainsnak.datavalue.value.id):getBestStatements('P856')[1] if officialWebsite then link = officialWebsite.mainsnak.datavalue.value end end elseif dataType == 'string' then local formatterURL = entityObject:getBestStatements('P1630')[1] if formatterURL then link = formatterURL.mainsnak.datavalue.value else local subjectItem = entityObject:getBestStatements('P1629')[1] if subjectItem then local officialWebsite = mw.wikibase.getEntity(subjectItem.mainsnak.datavalue.value.id):getBestStatements('P856')[1] if officialWebsite then link = officialWebsite.mainsnak.datavalue.value end end end else returnVal.isError = true end elseif type(property) == 'string' then link = property end local valurl = val valurl = mw.ustring.gsub(valurl,'%%','%%%%') link = mw.ustring.gsub(link, '$1', valurl) end link = mw.ustring.gsub(link, '^[Hh][Tt][Tt][Pp]([Ss]?)://', 'http%1://') -- fix wikidata URL link = mw.ustring.gsub(link, ' ' , '') val = mw.ustring.match(val, '([^=/]*)/?$') -- get display name from end of URL if mw.ustring.find( link, '//' ) then if mask == 'y' then returnVal.text = '<span class="plainlinks">['..link..' ID]</span>' else returnVal.text = '<span class="plainlinks">['..link..' '..mw.text.encode(mw.uri.decode(val, 'PATH'),'%[%]')..']</span>' end elseif link == '' then returnVal.text = val else returnVal.text = '[['..link..'|'..val..']]' end return returnVal end local function createRow( id, label, rawValue, link, withUid ) if link then local outStr = '*<span style="white-space:nowrap;">' .. label .. ' <span' if withUid then outStr = outStr..' class="uid"' end return outStr..'>' .. link .. '</span></span>\n' else return '* ' .. mw.text.tag('span', {class='error'}, 'O identificador ' .. id .. ' ' .. rawValue .. ' não é válido.') .. '\n' end end local function copyTable(inTable) if type(inTable) ~= 'table' then return inTable end local outTable = setmetatable({}, getmetatable(inTable)) for key, value in pairs (inTable) do outTable[copyTable(key)] = copyTable(value) end return outTable end local p = {} function p.authorityControlMed( frame ) local resolve = require( 'Módulo:ResolveEntityId' ) local parentArgs = copyTable(frame:getParent().args) local currentTitle = mw.title.getCurrentTitle() local currentEntityId = mw.wikibase.getEntityIdForCurrentPage() local stringArgs = false local fromTitleCount, firstRow, rowCount = 1, 0, 0 local outString, errors = '', '' local tFroms = {} --non-sequential table of unique froms local iFroms = 0 --integer size of tFroms, b/c Lua --Cleanup args for k, v in pairs( frame:getParent().args ) do if type(k) == 'string' then --make args case insensitive local lowerk = mw.ustring.lower(k) if isNilOrEmpty( parentArgs[lowerk] ) then parentArgs[k] = nil parentArgs[lowerk] = v end --remap abc to abc1 if mw.ustring.find(lowerk,'%d$') == nil then --if no number at end of param if isNilOrEmpty( parentArgs[lowerk..'1'] ) then parentArgs[lowerk] = nil lowerk = lowerk..'1' parentArgs[lowerk] = v end end if v and v ~= '' then --remap 'for' to 'title' if mw.ustring.sub(lowerk,1,3) == 'for' then local forTitle = mw.ustring.gsub(lowerk,'^for','title',1) if isNilOrEmpty( parentArgs[forTitle] ) then parentArgs[lowerk] = nil lowerk = forTitle parentArgs[lowerk] = v end end --find highest from or title param if mw.ustring.sub(lowerk,1,4) == 'from' then local fromNumber = tonumber(mw.ustring.sub(lowerk,5,-1)) if fromNumber and fromNumber >= fromTitleCount then fromTitleCount = fromNumber end --look for duplicate froms while we're here if mw.ustring.find(v, '^Q%d') then if tFroms[v] then tFroms[v] = tFroms[v] + 1 else tFroms[v] = 1 iFroms = iFroms + 1 end if iFroms == 2 then end end elseif mw.ustring.sub(lowerk,1,5) == 'title' then local titleNumber = tonumber(mw.ustring.sub(lowerk,4,-1)) if titleNumber and titleNumber >= fromTitleCount then fromTitleCount = titleNumber end elseif mw.ustring.lower(v) ~= 'no' then stringArgs = true end end end end --Check for unknown parameters --create knowns list local acceptableArgs = { from = true, } --master list of l/c acceptable args for _, d in pairs( conf.databases ) do if d[1] ~= 'Wikidata' then --made obsolete by from acceptableArgs[mw.ustring.lower(d[1])] = true end end for _, a in pairs( conf.aliases ) do acceptableArgs[mw.ustring.lower(a[1])] = true end --create trimmed parents list local baseParentArgs = {} --condensed list of l/c parent args w/o trailing #s for k, v in pairs( parentArgs ) do if type(k) == 'string' then --ignore unnamed params, which have keys of type 'number' local lowerk = mw.ustring.lower(k) local base = mw.ustring.gsub(lowerk, '[%d]*$', '') baseParentArgs[base] = true end end --compare lists and spit out unknowns local unknownParams = {} for k, v in pairs( baseParentArgs ) do if acceptableArgs[k] == nil then unknownParams[#unknownParams + 1] = k end end --warn if unknown(s) present if #unknownParams > 0 then if frame:preprocess( '{{REVISIONID}}' ) == '' then errors = errors..'<div class="hatnote" style="color:red">'.. '<strong>Atenção:</strong> parâmetros desconhecidos <strong>'..table.concat(unknownParams, ', ')..'</strong>.<br />'.. 'Corrije-os ou considere liga-los à Wikidata.<br />'.. 'Esta mensagem só se amostra na vista prévia.</div>' end end --Setup navbox local navboxParams = { name = 'Controle de autoridades', bodyclass = 'hlist', listclass = 'plainlinks', groupstyle = 'width: 12%; text-align:center;', } for f = 1, fromTitleCount, 1 do local elements, title = {}, nil --cleanup parameters if parentArgs['from'..f] == '' then parentArgs['from'..f] = nil end if parentArgs['title'..f] == '' then parentArgs['title'..f] = nil end --remap aliases for _, a in pairs( conf.aliases ) do local alias, name = mw.ustring.lower(a[1]), mw.ustring.lower(a[2]) if parentArgs[alias..f] and parentArgs[name..f] == nil then parentArgs[name..f] = parentArgs[alias..f] parentArgs[alias..f] = nil end end --Fetch Wikidata item local from = resolve._entityid(frame, parentArgs['from'..f]) local item = mw.wikibase.getEntity(from) local label = nil if type(item) == 'table' then local statements = item:getBestStatements('P225')[1] --taxon name if statements then local datavalue = statements.mainsnak.datavalue if datavalue then label = datavalue.value end end label = label or item:getLabel() else if parentArgs['from'..f] then errors = errors .. mw.text.tag('strong', {class='error'}, 'Erro: "' .. parentArgs['from'..f] .. '" nome é um ID de entidade Wikidata válido.<br />') end end if label and label ~= '' then title = mw.title.new(label) end if title == nil and parentArgs['title'..f] then title = mw.title.new(parentArgs['title'..f]) end if title == nil and f == 1 then title = currentTitle end if title then if isNilOrEmpty( parentArgs['wikidata'..f] ) and (title.namespace == 0) then if parentArgs['from'..f] then parentArgs['wikidata'..f] = parentArgs['from'..f] elseif item then parentArgs['wikidata'..f] = item.id end end if title.namespace == 0 or stringArgs then --only in mainspace or if manual overrides exist local sourceCount = 0 for _, params in pairs( conf.databases ) do params[1] = mw.ustring.lower(params[1]) local propId = params[3] --Wikidata fallback if requested if (item and item.claims) and (type(propId) == 'string' or (type(propId) == 'number' and propId > 0)) then local wikidataId = getIdFromWikidata( item, 'P' .. propId ) local v = parentArgs[params[1]..f] if wikidataId then if isNilOrEmpty(v) then parentArgs[params[1]..f] = wikidataId else if v and v ~= 'no' and v ~= wikidataId then elseif v and v == wikidataId then end end end end local val = parentArgs[params[1]..f] if val and val ~= '' and mw.ustring.lower(val) ~= 'não' then if params[1] == 'issn' and parentArgs['worldcatid'..f] and parentArgs['worldcatid'..f] ~= '' then -- 'issn' is the first element following the 'wikidata' item table.insert( elements, createRow( params[1], '', parentArgs['worldcatid'..f], '[//www.worldcat.org/identities/' .. parentArgs['worldcatid'..f] .. ' WorldCat]', false ) ) --Validation? elseif params[1] == 'viaf' and parentArgs[params[1]..f] and string.match( parentArgs[params[1]..f], '^%d+$' ) and not parentArgs['worldcatid'..f] then -- Hackishly copy the validation code; this should go away when we move to using P1793 and P1630 table.insert( elements, createRow( params[1], '', parentArgs[params[1]], '[//www.worldcat.org/identities/containsVIAFID/' .. parentArgs[params[1]..f] .. ' WorldCat]', false ) ) elseif params[1] == 'lccn' and parentArgs[params[1]..f] and parentArgs[params[1]..f] ~= '' and not parentArgs['viaf'..f] and not parentArgs['worldcatid'..f] then local lccnParts = splitLccn( parentArgs[params[1]..f] ) if lccnParts and lccnParts[1] ~= 'sh' then table.insert( elements, createRow( params[1], '', parentArgs[params[1]..f], '[//www.worldcat.org/identities/lccn-' .. lccnParts[1] .. lccnParts[2] .. '-' .. lccnParts[3] .. ' WorldCat]', false ) ) end end if type(propId) == 'number' then if propId < 0 then propId = -propId end --allow link if propId > 0 then --link table.insert( elements, createRow( params[1], params[2]..':', val, getLink( propId, val, params[4] ).text, true ) ) else --propId == 0; no link table.insert( elements, createRow( params[1], params[2]..':', val, val, true ) ) end else table.insert( elements, createRow( params[1], params[2]..':', val, getLink( propId, val, params[4] ).text, true ) ) end if params[1] ~= 'wikidata' and params[1] ~= 'wikispecies' then sourceCount = sourceCount + 1 end end end --Generate navbox title if sourceCount > 0 then --TODO: don't count Wikispecies towards 'taxon ID count' rowCount = rowCount + 1 if firstRow == 0 then firstRow = f end --set title from wikidata if it doesn't exist if isNilOrEmpty( parentArgs['title'..f] ) then parentArgs['noTitle'..f] = true parentArgs['title'..f] = title.text end --if it exists now, set row heading to title if not isNilOrEmpty( parentArgs['title'..f] ) then else navboxParams['group'..f] = '' end navboxParams['list'..f] = table.concat( elements ) elseif currentEntityId then end --Categorize end end end --for f = 1, fromTitleCount, 1 if rowCount > 0 then local Navbox = require('Módulo:Navbox') if rowCount > 1 then --remove duplicates and move page title to top local rowIDs = {} for f = 1,fromTitleCount,1 do if not isNilOrEmpty( parentArgs['title'..f] ) then if rowIDs[parentArgs['wikidata'..f]] then --remove duplicate navboxParams['group'..f] = nil navboxParams['list'..f] = nil else rowIDs[parentArgs['wikidata'..f]] = true if f > firstRow and (parentArgs['title'..f] == currentTitle.text or parentArgs['wikidata'..f] == currentEntityId) then --move item linked to page to top if navboxParams['group'..f] and navboxParams['group'..f] ~= '' and navboxParams['list'..f] and navboxParams['list'..f] ~= '' then local tempGroup, tempList = navboxParams['group'..f], navboxParams['list'..f] navboxParams['group'..f], navboxParams['list'..f] = navboxParams['group'..firstRow], navboxParams['list'..firstRow] navboxParams['group'..firstRow], navboxParams['list'..firstRow] = tempGroup, tempList end end end end end --adjust navbox for number of rows navboxParams['title'] = 'Identificadores' if rowCount > 2 then navboxParams['navbar'] = 'plain' else navboxParams['state'] = 'off' navboxParams['navbar'] = 'off' end elseif parentArgs['noTitle'..firstRow] then navboxParams['group'..firstRow] = 'Identificadores' else navboxParams['group'..firstRow] = 'Identificadores<br />' .. navboxParams['group'..firstRow] end --return navbox outString = Navbox._navbox(navboxParams) end --if rowCount > 0 --Add categories if string.sub(currentTitle.subpageText,1,9) == 'testcases' then parentArgs['demo'] = true end return outString .. errors end return p